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Created On March 15th, 2024 | Last Update August 6th, 2024


A collection of powerful, multi-purpose Gutenberg Blocks and tools for your WordPress website.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ogre-blocks directory and ensure that it is active.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.


  • Requires at least: 6.0.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • Stable tag: 0.2.0
  • License: GPLv2 or later


0.2.0 - 2024-08-06

  • NEW: Parallax block settings. (experimental)
  • NEW: Control slider block using anchor links. Child blocks of slider must have ID specified.
  • NEW: Improved block styling support: gradient backgrounds, padding, margin, spacing, and typography.
  • NEW: Timed redirect block.
  • NEW: Support for Gravity Forms Entries block within Conditional block. NOTE: Nesting not supported.
  • NEW: Support transformations from Group block to Conditional and Slider blocks. Ungroup is also supported.
  • DEV: Improved block admin message handling.
  • DEV: Support for icon setting on core/loginout.
  • DEV: Renamed root directory to ogre-blocks.
  • DEV: Center offset option added to map script.
  • DEV: Added conditional data filter, ogre/block/conditional/condition_data.
  • DEV: Add $is_preview argument to Block::render and Block::tag. NOTE: may break existing classes which extend Block.
  • DEV: Include child terms in taxonomy condition.
  • BUG: Fixed map min-height.
  • BUG: Improved maplibre marker filter.
  • BUG: Allow json data to pass through block attributes.
  • BUG: Wrap slider children to prevent style attribute breaking.
  • BUG: Fix empty conditional data error.

0.1.1 - 2024-06-19

  • Removed OgreCore dependency.
  • New blocks: PICO-8, Conditional, Address, Taxonomy List, Navigation Menu, Icon, Slider, Post Meta.
  • New block features: Responsive, Reveal, Icon.
  • New icon set system.
  • Lots of script improvements and bug fixes.
  • Improved styles and enqueueing.
  • Support for block style options.
  • Full-Site Editing support.

0.1.0 - 2024-03-15

  • Initial build of OgreBlocks plugin. Ported from OgreTemplate.

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